

  • Creates restriction by making a small stomach pouch about the size of a golf ball.

  • Limits the absorption of calories and nutrients by reorganizing the small intestine.

  • Decreases hunger

  • Increases satiety (or fullness)

  • Average weight loss of approximately 70-80%

During a Roux-En Y Gastric Bypass, a small pouch is created at the top of the stomach using surgical staples. Next, the small intestine is cut into two sections. The lower section is attached to the opening in the stomach pouch, bypassing a large portion of the stomach and the duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine). After the procedure, you will feel full more quickly than when your stomach was its original size, which reduces the amount of food you eat and thus the calories consumed. This process leads to weight loss. 

Learn more about the other procedures Dr. Takla offers:

Let's Get Started...

If you would like more information about gastric bypass surgery with Dr. Takla or to find out if you are a weight-loss surgery candidate, you can request an appointment or call our office at 603.610.8095.

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

For more insight into weight-loss surgery and how it could benefit your life, read these stories from a few of Dr. Takla's bariatric surgery patients.